Don Boles

This website is dedicated to the memory of Don Boles, retired piano tuner, musician, magician, writer, husband, father, and friend.

I was a friend of Don's through his interest in turning wood. Although I only knew Don a relatively short part of his life, it was enough to know that he had many other interests and had lived a full life. I am starting this website with plenty of pictures of Don's turnings, his skill is surely evident. Don wasn't one to be found often browsing around in the lumber yard. He loved putting "found wood" to good use and delighted in finding and bringing out the hidden beauty in decaying logs.

Hopefully, with the help of his friends and family this site will evolve and contain other aspects of Don's life and interests. Sign the guestbook at the bottom of this page if you would like to add interesting comments about your experiences with Don, or e-mail me with other additions or suggestions.

Here are some examples of Don's turnings:
(click on the image to enlarge)


If you have any ideas for additions to this website click here.


Use these links to visit the other pages of this site:


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Here are links to some of Don's favorite pages:

Gavin's Bowls

WOODTURNING by Marshall Gorrow

American Association of Woodturners

Atlanta Mandolin Society






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